Q. How much is the wedding deposit?
£200 - This is a non-refundable deposit and is deducted from your final balance.
Q. Can we meet up before we book you?
Absolutely, we always try to meet you before confirming a booking and once more in person or via Skype to catch up before the wedding day.
Q. What time do you arrive on the wedding day?
If you have chosen to have preparation this will be 2 hours before the ceremony time, if you have chosen from the ceremony onward then we will arrive half an hour or so before the ceremony begins,
Q. What time do you leave on the wedding day?
Officially we stay until the first dance but usually a bit longer to get a selection of dance floor shots and evening guests partying away.
Q. How long do we have to wait for the photos?
We are very passionate about editing your images to a high-standard so it can take 4 to 10 weeks (depending on peak seasons) to finish working on your memories.
Q. Do we have to have a pre-wedding shoot?
We offer this as a complimentary service for our 'prep' and 'dance' packages, it is not mandatory but we encourage couples to take the opportunity because it gives you a chance to see how we work and feel more relaxed about having your photo taken. We can also check out the venue together and you can use the photos for your save the date cards.
Q. How far will you travel?
We are willing to travel anywhere you need us! A reasonable fee will be added if your venue is outside of Norfolk or the surrounding area and/or if overnight accommodation or flights are required!
Q. Can you pencil us in / hold our date?
We can hold a date for a short time but your wedding date is only fully secure once you've paid the deposit and returned the booking form. Weddings are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
Q. Do we have to feed you?
It’s very much appreciated if you do but we don't expect you to. It can be a really long day, sometimes 12+ hours on the go, so an occasional drink or snack to keep us going is always welcome.
Q. How many photos will we get?
This can vary depending on the size of your wedding, how many guests you have and your preferred style of how we shoot but typically you can expect between 400-800 photos.
Q. How do we pay the final balance?
The balance needs to be paid at least 4 weeks before the wedding date, and is a bank transfer to our account.
Q. Are you insured?
Yes. For both public liability and professional indemnity.
Q. Can we really do whatever we want with the images?
You are free to print them off, share them with family and friends, upload them to Facebook, or even make your own album – as long as you don’t claim you took them.
Q. Do you offer any discounts?
We offer occasional promotions – keep an eye on our social media sites for details.